The Revenge series focuses on feminine identity.
My recent thesis looked at the role of women within the slasher horror genre, and i was really interested in looking further into why women are used as fetishised vessels of entertainment for patriarchal society where the glorification of violence against women is seen as something fun to watch on a Friday night in the cinema with some popcorn.
This is a two-part scene depicting a female revenge fantasy against toxic masculinity, where I play around with gender roles, and flip the tables.
The purpose of this duo is to use satire and slapstick horror to provoke a response within the viewer to look closer. Feminine catharsis as a reaction to our traditional roles as victim/villain/other.
These are done in a move-set sensationalist style reminiscent of old Hollywood where the audience is there with the characters - part of the scene. Exposing the viewers gaze and their role in creating the male/female cinematic dichotomy.
The Revenge